In honor of Twitter--Cleaning my desk and keyboard

There is something about the new year that makes you want to start fresh and not be burdened by last year's stuff, whether it be mistakes, junk, or the pile of papers that you are always meaning to get around to but somehow never do. So it was time to purge my desk and remove that clutter from my desk, which means that you can actually see it and things are properly filed away. Part of cleaning my desk required a cleaning of my keyboard. Mind you this was no regular wipe it off with a clorox cloth, this was a remove all the keys, wipe off each key individually, use a paint brush to clean the board and remove all the junk that somehow falls between the keys, find another keyboard to use as a guide to replace all the keys. While I may instinctively know where keys on the keyboard are, I don't think I would have been able to blindly put back the keys. The function keys and the numbers would have been easy, and I could have got the space bar down quiet well, but that top row and bottom row of letters and the other random keys would have done me in. 

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