Most of us love a good romance, but are weary of picking up a book because we aren't sure what exactly we are going to find in it. Joyce DiPastena's book
Loyalty's Web is the perfect romantic getaway. It has passion, intrigue, suspense, handsome knights and best of all it is clean and was a 2007 Whitney Award Finalist for Romance. (For those that don't know, the Whitney Award is an award for LDS Novels). Her remarkable storytelling has delighted all who has read her book.
But don't just take it from me, listen to what other people are saying.
Loyalty’s Web is a historical tale of intrigue with multiple twists and turns, arranged marriages and true romance. It is a face-paced, wellwritten, fascinating read. If you enjoy historical novels, particularly of the medieval period . . . you will enjoy Loyalty’s Web. Midwest Book Review
Torture, blackmail, murder, forbidden love . . . this historical tale has it all. Soap-opera fantasy—a medieval Dallas . . . a sure-fire page turner. Kirkus Discoveries
From the beginning, DiPastena paints a vivid picture of life in medieval times. She quickly draws you into the lives and passions of her characters in a way that leaves you anxious to find out what happens next. Her research is clear, and adds to the authenticity of the story, without ever taking away from the flow of the story itself. (It made me actually want to go and find out more about what really did happen during that time period.) If you have any interest in the time period, or just in a great read, this book will not disappoint you.
Kristine M. John (http://www.amazon.com/review/product/1599921235/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1_cm_cr_acr_img?_encoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1)
YOU WILL LOVE THIS ONE!You will really enjoy this book.
Loyalty's Web kept me up late several nights as these realistic characters marched across the chapters. My husband asked me if I was coming to bed one night at 2:00 a.m. Yikes, I had lost track of the time and needed to get up for work the next day!
Her characters are all believable. You are cheering for the heroine as she faces her family and external wrongs. I felt the pain of the hero as he struggled to maintain his duty, honor and his love.
This is a real page turner! I recommend this book to you!
Lorna W. Hale (http://www.amazon.com/review/product/1599921235/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1_cm_cr_acr_img?_encoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1)
UNRAVELING THE WEBI enjoyed Loyalty's Web a great deal. The characters became real to me from the first, and I was torn between the conflicting desires and loyalties of the heroine and the hero. Could they find a way for both of them to be true to their loyalties, to themselves, and to each other? It was great fun to unravel the web and find the real spiders in the cast of characters. Intrigue and hidden motives rounded out the plot to provide more than enough suspense to keep the pages turning. Ms. DiPastena knows how to fashion an emotional roller coaster for her readers. I want more.
T. Deighton (http://www.amazon.com/review/product/1599921235/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1_cm_cr_acr_img?_encoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1)
LOYALTY'S WEBI very much enjoyed reading Loyalty's Web and recommend it to anyone who is ready for a great adventure. Ms DiPastina masterfully transports her readers into that mystic era of lords and castles, dungeons and knights. This historical fiction weaves its tale amidst the time of King Henry and his dominions in France. It lacks nothing, and is filled with suspense, romance, battles, dreaded arranged marriages, herbal concoctions, murder, and mystery.
My Song "Joan" (http://www.amazon.com/review/product/1599921235/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1_cm_cr_acr_img?_encoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1)
LOYALTY'S WEBJoyce writes with a freshness and authority for a first time writer. I hope this is not her last effort.
Rebecca Drew (http://www.amazon.com/review/product/159992123/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1_cm_cr_acr_img?_encoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1)
GREAT HISTORICAL ROMANCEI really enjoyed Joyce's book. The more I read the story the faster I read. It seemed very well researched with accurate historical settings and lifestyles into the Medieval times. Great story and great writing.
Valerie J. Steimie (http://www.amazon.com/review/product/159992123/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1_cm_cr_acr_img?_encoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1)
ALL-NIGHTERWonderful! Engaging characters, believable conflict, heartfelt emotion, and lovely romance without graphic sex. This book has earned a spot on my keeper shelf. It was truly a joy to read and hard to put down. Do not pick this one up late at night. You will not be able to stop once you start. :o)
Jaimey Grant (http://www.amazon.com/review/product/1599921235/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1_cm_cr_acr_img?_encoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1)
LOYALTY'S WEBSnatched it up at Deseret Book and couldn't wait to read it. It is my new recommended reading to all my friends. So love how you always stay in that time period and I couldn't put it down. Thanks for quenching my medieval madness but write more soon! Please.
Mom of 5
Joyce DePastena is a welcome fresh voice in historical romance. Her writing style is a real gift. Her characters come to life. I walked the time period through her detailed descriptions and found it fascinating and so visual. I was captivated by the story and the characters. Thank you Joyce for sharing this wonderfully clean historical romance with the world.
I love clean romances and I love historical novels that are acurate. Joyce DiPastena creates both in Loyality's Web. She captures the essence of the days of knights and intrigue. It is a journey you must take and then when you are done, you want more. A great read!!
Wonderful! Engaging characters, believable conflict, heartfelt emotion, and lovely romance without graphic sex. This book has earned a spot on my keeper shelf. It was truly a joy to read and hard to put down.
LOYALTY'S WEBI had to go back to your website because it dawned on me that your book was a topic of discussion at our class graduation party. Those who have read it raved about it. Congratulations.
and lastly check out http://lizadairwrites.blogspot.com/2008/08/loyaltys-web-by-joyce-dipastena-review.html. A fantastic full review by Liz Adair.and don't forget to check out Joyce's website http://www.joyce-dipastena.com/