Author Interview
Friday, March 27, 2009
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Joyce DiPastena, author of Loyalty's Web, was interviewed by C.S. Bezas on her blog so check it out!
Love this
Thursday, March 26, 2009
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I often feel that there is a disconnect between the older generations and the younger especially in today's digital market. I love this. A 93 year old grandmother, named Clara, making food and telling stories from the depression.
March Giveaway
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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Check out for a chance to win one of two great prizes.
The first giveway is
The Puzzle Book for LDS Kids, by Arie Van De Graaff

The Puzzle Book for LDS Kids is the perfect solution for keeping a child quiet and busy at home, in the car, or during sacrament meeting. Filled with a wide variety of gospel-centered puzzles, this book will entertain a child for hours. The book is ideal for ages five to nine, but it will be loved by children of all ages.
Coloring Book: Keeping the Commandments, by Madeline Elsey

This big coloring book is filled with gospel-oriented pictures that focus on being servants of the Lord and keeping the commandments. Illustrations of some scriptural examples of obedience include Daniel in the lion's den, Joseph Smith translating the gold plates, Noah building the ark, and much more. This coloring book is packed with detailed and delightful illustrations and will be the perfect solution when you and your children need some quiet time.
The second giveaway is
Loyalty’s Web, by Joyce DiPastena

This book was a 2007 Whitney Award Finalist in the Best Romance/Women's Fiction category.
The year is 1176, and the Earl of Gunthar and his knights have been sent to France by King Henry II of England to enforce a peace treaty. The rakish earl falls in love with Heléne de Laurant, the younger, spirited sister of the beauty he is supposed to wed in an arranged marriage designed to unite the two countries. But when Heléne and her family are accused of plotting against the king, Heléne is torn: should she betray the man who could send her family to the gallows, or should she follow her heart and risk her safety to save him?
Easterfield, by Anna Jones Buttimore

In 1850, Catherine Waters of Lancashire, England, meets Mr. Wilson, a Mormon missionary from America. Catherine is receptive of Mr. Wilson¹s message, but before she can be baptized, she learns that her uncle is in dire financial straits. Catherine accepts an unwanted marriage proposal from the wealthy Mr. Davenport to save her family from poverty, despite the fact that he refuses to allow her baptism to take place. But when Mr. Wilson also proposes to Catherine, she is left with an impossible decision. Will she abandon her family, or the man and gospel she loves?
The first giveway is
The Puzzle Book for LDS Kids, by Arie Van De Graaff

The Puzzle Book for LDS Kids is the perfect solution for keeping a child quiet and busy at home, in the car, or during sacrament meeting. Filled with a wide variety of gospel-centered puzzles, this book will entertain a child for hours. The book is ideal for ages five to nine, but it will be loved by children of all ages.
Coloring Book: Keeping the Commandments, by Madeline Elsey

This big coloring book is filled with gospel-oriented pictures that focus on being servants of the Lord and keeping the commandments. Illustrations of some scriptural examples of obedience include Daniel in the lion's den, Joseph Smith translating the gold plates, Noah building the ark, and much more. This coloring book is packed with detailed and delightful illustrations and will be the perfect solution when you and your children need some quiet time.
The second giveaway is
Loyalty’s Web, by Joyce DiPastena

This book was a 2007 Whitney Award Finalist in the Best Romance/Women's Fiction category.
The year is 1176, and the Earl of Gunthar and his knights have been sent to France by King Henry II of England to enforce a peace treaty. The rakish earl falls in love with Heléne de Laurant, the younger, spirited sister of the beauty he is supposed to wed in an arranged marriage designed to unite the two countries. But when Heléne and her family are accused of plotting against the king, Heléne is torn: should she betray the man who could send her family to the gallows, or should she follow her heart and risk her safety to save him?
Easterfield, by Anna Jones Buttimore

In 1850, Catherine Waters of Lancashire, England, meets Mr. Wilson, a Mormon missionary from America. Catherine is receptive of Mr. Wilson¹s message, but before she can be baptized, she learns that her uncle is in dire financial straits. Catherine accepts an unwanted marriage proposal from the wealthy Mr. Davenport to save her family from poverty, despite the fact that he refuses to allow her baptism to take place. But when Mr. Wilson also proposes to Catherine, she is left with an impossible decision. Will she abandon her family, or the man and gospel she loves?
Fickle Friend
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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I always f
orget. Every year I am so excited to see the first signs of spring--the warm weather, the sun shinning, the snow melting that I forget that March is a fickle friend. Just when you are excited for the possibility of putting away that winter coat, bam it snows. Only to be followed by days of sunshine and weather in the 70's, before another snow storm. I hope that every year that March comes "In like a lion, and goes out like a lamb" I really would prefer all the days in-between to be lambs.
Great Review of An LDS Girl's Guide to Beauty
Monday, March 9, 2009
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Danyelle over at gave a really wonderful review of An LDS Girl's Guide to Beauty by Leslie Cheret.
Check it out!
Check it out!
Thought of the Day
Thursday, March 5, 2009
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It’s never too late . . .
to find joy
You can find joy everywhere—
in the beauty of the world,
in loving interactions with family members,
in the caring words of a friend.
All you have to do is reach out and grab it.
“Pleasure is not the purpose of man’s existence. Joy is.”in the beauty of the world,
in loving interactions with family members,
in the caring words of a friend.
All you have to do is reach out and grab it.
David O. McKay, Church News, Aug. 8, 1951.
From It's Never Too Late: Simple Acts to Enhance Your Life by Britney Rule
Thought of the Day
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
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The wind has been howling all day today. Normally I like it when the wind howls, but decided that I am not a big fan of strong winds when it starts rattling my windows enough to make me wonder if they are going to fall in on me. So enjoy the wind thought, and hopefully it isn't windy where you are. Or if it is hopefully you have bettter windows.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
March Giveaway
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
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Congratulations to our February giveaway winners.
For March we will be giving away three copies of our most recently released title, The Youth Speaker's Resource Book, by Colleen Terry, Amy Orton and Linda Price.
The Youth Speaker’s Resource Book is the essential tool for youth assigned to speak in sacrament meeting. This book explains how to put together and deliver an inspirational talk, then provides the resources for actually creating the talk. With scriptural references and carefully selected quotes arranged alphabetically by topic, any youth can give a successful talk.
For the reader who wants to delve deeper into a topic, this book also includes internet links to resources such as General Conference talks, university devotionals, and magazine articles. With quotes and stories by LDS Church leaders and scholars, The Youth Speaker’s Resource Book provides an abundance of inspirational material. In addition to being the perfect reference for talk preparation, this book can serve as a valuable tool for gospel study for Latter-day Saints of any age.
To enter this contest:
1) Add a link to this blog post on your blog.
2) Post a comment on here so we can visit your blog and see your entry.
All comments need to be received by TUESDAY, MARCH 31 BY MIDNIGHT MST. Winners will be contacted for their mailing address.
Thought of the Day
Monday, March 2, 2009
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Todays thoughts are in honor of the the 105th birthday of Theodore Geisel, or Dr Seuss.
“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
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