Inspirational Story
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
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For those of you who haven't had a chance to read about the inspirational story of Marius Dasianu in the BYU Magazine it is worth a read.
Marius was badly burned in a house fire and through the kindness of strangers, was given a new outlook on life and despite all of his problems and trials still believes “How can I not be happy?”
Article about Crystal Godfrey in the Daily Herald
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
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The Daily Herald today ran an article about Crystal Godfrey, her blog and her book. Check it out!
Susan Boyle
Friday, April 17, 2009
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I am sure that many of you by now have seen the inspiring video of Susan Boyle from Britain's Got Talent. I was blown away by it. Like everybody else I was expecting it to be a horrible performance, what I got was a wonderful wake up call.
All to often I think we are a lot like Susan. We have talents and something to offer, but what we have to offer isn't always apparent at the get-go, especially in this package driven society. Which is one of the reasons why I think we have all taken to the her and her performance. She is real. We can see ourselves in her. And because we see ourselves in her, we find ourselves wanting her to succeed and win. Just like we want other people to see the talent in us and urge us on to greatness.
I've read a lot of articles on her over the last couple of days and have found that this one I think captures brilliantly why we are so taken with her.
Susan thanks for being an inspiration to us and reminding us that when the opportunity comes embrace it!
Author Interview
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
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MyFavoriteAuthor posted an interview with Joyce DiPastena, author of Loyalty's Web, on her blog.
It is a follow up to the book review that was posted on the site. Check out the author review and don't forget to check out Joyce's Blog for more information about her and about her book, Loyalty's Webs
It is a follow up to the book review that was posted on the site. Check out the author review and don't forget to check out Joyce's Blog for more information about her and about her book, Loyalty's Webs
Monday, April 13, 2009
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We are excited to announce the release of I Can't Believe It's Food Storage by Crystal Godfrey.
Do you have a three-month supply of food for your family? Are you building up and using your long-term food storage? In I Can't Believe It's Food Storage, Crystal Godfrey explains how to transition common food-storage items (such as powdered milk, whole wheat, and dried beans) into your own recipes. Godfrey also provides over 100 kitchen-tested recipes for you to try. In addition, you’ll learn how to put together a personalized three-month supply and how to involve your entire family in planning and preparing meals. And as for that vitally important long-term food supply, you’ll learn what to store, how much to store, and how to store it. By the end of this book, you’ll be building your food storage, and you’ll be using it every day to make meals your family will love. All you have to do is follow the easy step-by-step program outlined in the book. When you taste the wonderful meals you’ll effortlessly create once you follow the program, you’ll be saying, “I can’t believe it’s food storage!”
LDS bookstores
*If you pre-order the book through by Wednesday, April 15, your book will be signed by the author. Plus the book is eligible for FREE super-saver shipping with an order of $25 or more. FREE giveaway Friday, April 17, 2009: Crystal is giving away SIX copies of her book on Friday. Here's how to enter:
- Tell your friends and family about I Can't Believe It's Food Storage via e-mail, blog post, Facebook, or, OR
- Tweet your contest entry via Twitter, OR
- Become a fan of I Can't Believe It's Food Storage on Facebook.
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