Thursday, December 13, 2012
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Dealing your wife's pregnancy can be tricky. Michael Snapp shared with KSL Studio 5 some small things that you should and shouldn't do during each trimester. His number one tip--do not ever, ever, ever make the elephant marching sound when a pregnant women walks into the room. You can find additional tips in How to Treat Your Pregnant Wife: A Common Sense Guide.
Readers Meet . . .
Thursday, November 29, 2012
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Readers meet Michael, Tanya, Michelle, and Kylee--the newest authors to have joined the Walnut Springs Press family.
Michael Snapp is the author of How to Treat Your Pregnant Wife: A Common Sense Guide.

How to Treat Your Pregnant Wife is a funny, and poignant, look at helping your wife through pregnancy.
And in Michael's own words as to why he wrote the book: Why would a man write a book and blog about how to treat his pregnant wife? Because after we realized my wife was pregnant, with our fifth child to be, I finally realized things I should have been doing, or at least doing more of all well as plenty of things not to do nor say! I started keeping notes for myself to serve as reminders when it finally hit me one day that I couldn't be the only one who needed reminders. The bottom line is I wrote it because men need some simple tips and cues to help make pregnancy more enjoyable, or at least more bearable, for their wife.
Tanya Parker Mills is the author of A Night on Moon Hill

Why are understanding and discovery such important themes in A Night on Moon Hill? I'll let Tanya tell you why: I grew up overseas, in a part of the world that has seen a lot of conflict–the Middle East–so the pacifist in me tends to view the world in terms of what we have in common, not what drives us apart. The stories I write will always reflect that in some fashion. I’m most interested in writing “fiction that bridges cultures.” The cultures may be national, geographical, religious, political, or even social. It doesn’t matter. They all need bridging.
C. Michelle Jefferies is the author of Emergence

Many of Michelle's loves have found their way into Emergence: Married to the guy her high school boyfriend introduced her to; she claims the last 20 + years as her education and mission experience. With a passion for secret agents and all things Asian she writes about bad boys turned good and fantasy of the urban type. All while beating herself up three times a week in Karate class as she works toward her black belt in Tang Soo Do.
Kylee Shields is the author of Make It Happen: A Guide to Happiness for LDS Singles
After reading Make It Happen: A Guide to Happiness for LDS Singles, you'll want to go after your dreams-big and small.
Fall just keeps getting better
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
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The absolutely stunning weather at the moment and all the Whitney nominations that we're receiving are just making us happy.
Way to go Jason Lloyd Morgan for The Waxing Moon, Betsy Love for Soulfire, Tanya Parker Mills for A Night on Moon Hill, Angie Lofthouse for Defenders of the Covenant, Theresa Sneed for Earthbound, C. Michelle Jefferies for Emergence, Jenni James for Northanger Alibi and Persuaded, and Tristi Pinkston for Turning Pages.
And if you haven't read any of our novels, now would be the perfect time to do so. Last year all of our novels received a nomination and we'd love for it to happen again this year. If there's a title you'd like to nominate follow this link.
No Escape by Anna Jones Buttimore
Secrets After Dark by Marie Higgins
Fall is Great
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
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We love this time of year. Not only because of sweaters, hot chocolate, and beautiful fall foliage, but it's also when Whitney Nominations start rolling in.
Congratulations to Joyce DiPastena for Dangerous Favor, Kelly Nelson for The Keeper's Calling, and Tristi Pinkston for Targets in Ties.
If you've read any of the following titles and liked them, follow this nifty link and nominate your favorite title.
A Night on Moon Hill by Tanya Parker Mills
Defenders of the Covenant by Angie Lofthouse
Earthbound by Theresa Sneed
No Escape by Anna Jones Buttimore
Secrets After Dark by Marie Higgins
Soulfire by Betsy Love
The Waxing Moon by J. Lloyd Morgan
Congratulations to Joyce DiPastena for Dangerous Favor, Kelly Nelson for The Keeper's Calling, and Tristi Pinkston for Targets in Ties.
If you've read any of the following titles and liked them, follow this nifty link and nominate your favorite title.
A Night on Moon Hill by Tanya Parker Mills
Defenders of the Covenant by Angie Lofthouse
Earthbound by Theresa Sneed
No Escape by Anna Jones Buttimore
Secrets After Dark by Marie Higgins
Soulfire by Betsy Love
The Waxing Moon by J. Lloyd Morgan
Values Stories for a Young Woman
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
As I teenager, I constantly had my nose in a book and devoured the many editions of Chicken Soup for the Soul. I remember thinking, though, that I wish there was a book that was geared for me as a young women that illustrated the values of what I believe in. Values Stories for a Young Woman, edited by Marilyn O. Diehl and Marta O. Smith, would have is exactly what I was looking for. Lucky for me though, I can read and enjoy it now.
Open this book and find over 50 uplifting stories for young women. Based on the eight Young Women Values (Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue), these stories will inspire, encourage, and motivate.
This all started at one of my favorite places in the whole world—girls, camp, where girls have fun and strengthen their testimonies at the same time. I loved it there, and I want to go back every year I’m allowed. But nothing strengthened my testimony more than falling down a mountain. Well, I didn’t really fall down a mountain. It was more like falling down while skidding on my knee on a steep trail descending from a mountain. I’ll start at the beginning. . . .
—excerpt from “Falling,” by Bailee Eaton
Just check out the amazing table of contents.
Attack of the Bees
Faith Stills a Riot
Say a Prayer—Now!
The Special Flour Barrel
The Power of Prayer
Faith Epiphany
Our Faith Moved a Mountain
Left Behind
The Faith to Ask
A Mother’s Guidance
The Lei
Something about Me
Weak Things Become Strong
Be Still and Know That I Am God
Kassie and the Soap
Scarier than Monsters
A Heart for Mariska
Through a Horse
The Worth of Souls
Conspiracy Theory
The Ordeal
You Already Know
The Obstetrician
Portuguese Prayers
Piano Music
In a Pickle with a Peach
Never Too Late
A Most Important Decision
Free to Choose
Real Friends
The Haircut
For Choices
Ivy’s Cookies
Why Don’t You Come Too?
A Japanese Book
Tender Feet, Tender Mercies
One Friend
Independence Day
Hit-and-Run Angel
Hill of Tears
To Thine Own Self Be True
The Photo Project
Standing Up to Profanity
Don’t You Know Who He Is?
Dance Decision
A Star-Spangled Heart
No Regrets
A Shining Light in a Darkened Theater
From Immodest to Modest
Orange Juice
Have you heard?
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
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Have you heard the great things that have been said about some of our newest novels?

Martha over at Marthasbookshelf gave Dangerous Favor a 4.75 out of 5 and said "Ms. DiPastena has woven a romance that grows from gentle to fervent (passionate in a clean way) while danger and intrigue, as well as obstacles of practicality, circle the young couple. . . . If you like medieval romance with plenty of intrigue this is an author you shouldn’t miss."
Andrea Pearsons said of Women of Strength "If you're hungry for a book that enriches, uplifts, and edifies, consider purchasing Women of Strength. In these frustrating and often confusing times, we as Latter-day Saint women need to know where we stand; we need frequent reminders of God's love for us. And we especially need words of encouragement during the spiritual battles that rage all around us. Tristi Pinkston's Women of Strength will help us find that encouragement, along with the energy and strength to continue fighting."
Molodie on Amazon said of Soulfire "Now that I have finished it I still find myself thinking about the characters and wishing I could read more. . . . This book is great on it's own but it also adds to your Book of Mormon study for the story of Abinadi, King Noah, and Alma (Mosiah 11-18ish). . . . I highly recommend this book to those who love to read for great entertainment and those looking to add an extra dimension to their scripture study."
J Lloyd Morgan said of The Keeper's Calling "There were many aspects of this book I thoroughly enjoyed. It’s a character driven action / adventure / fantasy book. The action and adventure elements in the book play a supporting role to the characters. I actually cared when something happened to the characters. . . . Who would enjoy this? Who wouldn’t? It’s a clean read—but that doesn’t mean it’s boring."
Karen Hoover has said before that The Secret Sister Mystries are laugh out loud funny, and Targets in Ties was no exception. "Tristi Pinkston is one of my favorite writers. She's funny, breaks my heart, and makes me feel as if these wonderful characters are my real friends (I don't know what that says about me, but it's true.) If you haven't read the series yet, start with Secret Sisters and work your way up. I can guarantee you won't regret it. This isn't just funny, it's laugh out loud in public funny!"
The Book Addict said of Defenders of the Covenant "Angie knows storytelling. She understands characters, plot, description, storyline, pacing etc etc. I had a hard time putting this book down. . . .There were many times a lump rose in my throat from joy and happiness. Not many writers can do that to me. Just sayin'."
Betsy Love praised Earthbound saying "Earthbound is a thought-provoking look at heaven, not where we hope to go when our mortal is finished, but where we came from. Because we can't remember what that was like, Theresa creates a heaven that will enthrall the reader."
Chrissy on Goodreads said of No Escape "Never having been to England, the details that
describe where she lived and where they visited as tourists was
wonderful, made me feel like I was walking beside, not something that is
easily done by writers. . . . This will be something
I read again!"
Mary's Book Corner praised Secrets after Dark saying "I loved
Secrets After Dark by Marie Higgins. It is a romantic mystery full
of intrigue and with a paranormal twist, set in Victorian England. . . . Normally
I shy away from books that have stuff like shape shifting and witches,
but Marie Higgins was
able to weave the mystery and romance so successfully that it was nearly
impossible to put the book down and the paranormal components were a
great addition to the story."
Avid Reader on Goodreads said that The Waxing Moon "starts off with a bang and doesn’t let up. But it was the
characters that sucked me in. Though he has a weird name, Snapdragon is a
great hero to cheer for. I don’t want to ruin all the crap he has to
deal with, but he made me like him all the more. I didn’t think Morgan
could top The Hidden Sun, but he did!"
This is great--Whitney Awards 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Do you love Costco?
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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Now there's more reasons to love Costco as select Costco's will be carrying Defenders of the Covenant by Angie Lofthouse, and The Keeper's Calling by Kelly Nelson!
Pick up your copy of Defenders of the Covenant from Angie on the following dates:
The Hillsboro Oregon Costco had copies of The Keeper's Calling. Unfortunately, they don't have any copies of The Keeper's Calling at the moment as Kelly sold out of all 96 books during her first signing! Way to go Kelly. We'll update the blog as soon as the book is back in stock.
Pick up your copy of Defenders of the Covenant from Angie on the following dates:
May 9th, 4-8 pm, at the Lehi Costco
May 10th, 4-8 pm, at the Lehi Costco
May 15th, 4-8 pm, at the Lehi Costco
May 16th, 4-8 pm, at the Lehi Costco
May 17th, 4-8 pm, at the Lehi Costco
May 19th, 12-4 pm, at the Salt Lake City Costco
May 22nd, 4-8 pm, at the Lehi Costco
May 24th 4-8 pm, at the Salt Lake City Costco
May 26th, 10 am-6 pm, at the Lehi Costco
May 29th, 12-4 pm, at the Salt lake City Costco
May 30th, 12-4 pm, at the Lehi Costco
May 31st, 12-4 pm, at the Lehi Costco
The Hillsboro Oregon Costco had copies of The Keeper's Calling. Unfortunately, they don't have any copies of The Keeper's Calling at the moment as Kelly sold out of all 96 books during her first signing! Way to go Kelly. We'll update the blog as soon as the book is back in stock.
New titles in April
Monday, April 30, 2012
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We've sent some fabulous new titles to press in April.
Don't Overlook the Small Things:
50 Little Things That Bring Joy to Latter-day Saints
edited by Britney Rule
Our lives are often so consumed by so many things: taking Johnny to soccer practice and Susie to ballet, making meals, working another eight hours (if we’re lucky), and trying to balance that bank account that always seems a little less full than we’d like it to be.
With so much going on, we sometimes overlook the little things that really fill our lives with meaning. What really matters is a gentle touch from a friend, a phone call from a sister, the smell of a lilac tree, and those little reminders that the Lord loves us and is watching over us individually.
Once in a while it is nice to just sit back and contemplate those delightful gems of life. This book is a collection of 50 of those simple things that others have found bring a joy to their life. Their experiences and stories are simple, inspiring, and thoughtful. Take a minute out of your hectic schedule to remember—or even discover—a few of those small and powerful aspects of your life.
Book Two, No Angels Series
Heaven used to be such a perfect place . . .
As the time draws near for the first spirits to leave their home in heaven, a group of rebellious dissenters begins to appear at every blue-planet planning meeting, demanding that all mortals are ruled by compulsory choice, instead of having the freedom to choose for themselves. Daniel is a courageous Freedom Fighter who vehemently opposes the No Choice movement. Sophie is impressed by his strong desire to do what’s right . . . and by his intense blue eyes. But she also has a strange attraction to the handsome and ostentatious Coe, a leader of the No Choice movement, who has his sights on her and will stop at nothing to claim her as his own.
by Betsy Love
It is 148 BC, and the city of Nephi is ruled by the wicked King Noah and his corrupt priests. Zephenia’s father has turned to his drink after the death of her mother, and her younger sister Sari dreams of living in the king’s palace. When the family’s hut is destroyed and the sisters are unjustly
imprisoned, Zephenia wonders if God has forgotten her. If they survive their tribulations, whom will her father choose as her husband? The only unmarried believer she knows is Gideon, and he is smitten with Sari.
Zephenia’s thoughts keep drifting to Alma, the handsome high priest she met while gathering herbs in the jungle. She senses a goodness about him, yet because he is a priest in Noah’s court, she knows he couldn’t possibly be a righteous man. But when the prophet Abinadi is martyred and Zephenia must decide between her faith and her family, she learns of a mighty change that has happened in Alma’s heart.
The Waxing Moon
A faraway kingdom.
A brave warrior.
An unexpected danger.
An ancient secret.
A desperate plan.
Fear is running rampant in Bariwon. The people of a small village near the northern mountains have vanished. Newly commissioned royal guardian Snapdragon is sent with a scouting party to investigate.
His responsibility is to protect the non-soldiers, including Seraphina, a stunning young nursemaid. When the party arrives, they make a shocking discovery. During the chaos that follows, Snapdragon
discovers his feelings toward Seraphina are more than protective. Soon, he is forced to make difficult choices that will impact the future of everyone in Bariwon.
Walnut Springs Press March Madness Sweet 16 Questions-Theresa Sneed
Saturday, March 24, 2012
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Theresa Sneed's debut novel, No Angel,, was one of our Whitney Finalist. No Angel, is a beautifully told story of good and evil, angels and demons, and heaven and earth.
What is your favorite line, scene, or character from one of your books and why?
I love this question, but I cannot answer it quite yet, because my favorite scene is in From Heaven to Earth and it hasn’t gone to press yet. I can tell you about a scene on pages 19-21 in that I love though. It’s where the main character, Jonathan Stewart arrives back on earth as Faith’s guardian angel. I love the part where Celeste, who is Faith’s premortal spirit, meets her earthly mother’s spirit as she departs back to heaven after dying in childbirth—I really love the part where Celeste enters her tiny body and begins her mortal probation as Faith.
Why do you write in the genre you do?
I love to write spiritual fantasy, because I spend inordinate amounts of time imagining what heaven must be like or will be like when we return—it naturally follows that I’d write about something that intrigues me so much.
What are you working on next?
I’ve already written three more angel books in the No Angel series, one of which is due to go to press soon! Currently, I have been busily engaged in marketing and have created as a place to drive internet traffic to in hopes of getting my name and my books out to more of the world. My current WIP is a fantasy called Sons of Elderberry which is not part of the No Angel series, but a fantasy with wizards and fairies.
Do you map out your stories beforehand or do you let the characters direct the story?
I would have to say that I always “begin with the end in mind” and know exactly how the story is supposed to end, although all of the “in between stuff” is mostly driven by the characters.
In one word describe the best thing about being an author.
In one word describe the worst thing about being an author.
When did you know you wanted to be an author?
I knew I wanted to write from third grade on, but didn’t imagine that I’d become an author of novels until much later, probably only five or six years ago.
How do your beliefs shape how/what you write?
My beliefs are carefully woven into everything I write, because I believe that the talent I have directly comes from God. Also, as a mother, grandmother and an educator, I take my words very seriously and hope to only inspire and uplift rather than any of the many destructive things you could do with words.
What's the last book you finished?
The last book that I have finished reading is John Hauserman’s, Retirement Quest: Make Better Decisions, a great resource for anyone wanting to ensure financial security in their retirement years. You can read my review at
What's on your nightstand now?
I’m currently reading Stealing Mercy by Kristy Tate.
Which author (dead or alive) would you most like to have lunch with?
Not counting religious authors, I’d say without a doubt J. R.R. Tolkien—and hopefully he’d have his good buddy C. S. Lewis with him!
Book you read that you wish you hadn't.
There are a few books that I’ve read that I wish I didn’t have to, but none I would mention here, as any book written comes from someone who put a great deal of effort into it no matter how poorly it turned out. I would not publicly defame any author.
Book that changed your life.
Notwithstanding scriptural works, believe it or not – Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, because of the beautiful insights embedded within his words, and also C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, which was an assignment in college or otherwise I’d never have picked it up—it was a surprise and a delight to me.
If they were to make a movie of your favorite book, who would play the leads and why?
I patterned the main character in No Angel, an angel with an attitude, after Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory, so I’d have to say him—Jim Parsons.
Book you most want to read again for the first time.
I’m a very picky second-time reader book, and if I choose to read a book more than once, then it’s a book I’ll read more than twice even. My favorite rereads are Tolkien’s, Lord of the Rings, Charlotte Bronte’s, Jane Eyre, Emily Bronte’s, Wuthering Heights and though I haven’t done a reread yet on all seven of Rowlings’s, Harry Potter series, they are on my list!
What book would you give to a child?
That depends on the child and its age, but other than scriptural, I’d say all children should have Dr. Seuss’, Cat in the Hat—for the pure gift of imagination it so joyfully brings.
Walnut Springs Press March Madness Sweet 16 Questions-Anna Jones Buttimore
Multi-talented Anna Jones Buttimore hails from across the pond (England).
With her beautiful descriptions you almost feel like you're in Wales (No Escape) or rural England (Easterfield).
What is your favorite line, scene, or character from one of your books and why?
My favourite character is probably Rodney from Honeymoon Heist, because he's geeky and uptight, but he's also an absolutely brilliant guy who really loves his wife and blossoms in a crisis. He's not your usual romantic hero and I like that about him. People keep commenting that he's a lot like my husband, but ironically I wrote the book before I met Roderic. But naturally my husband is lovely and brilliant too.
Why do you write in the genre you do?
I write in lots of genres! So far I've done two gentle hard-to-define novels, one historical and two suspenses. I really must pick a genre and stick to it!
What are you working on next?
I am seeking a publisher for a sci-fi/fantasy YA novel at the moment. I'm also working on a novel about an LDS woman whose RM son joins another church, and the changes that happen in their family as a result. That's really challenging and interesting.
Do you map out your stories beforehand or do you let the characters direct the story?
I just start writing and see what the characters do. I usually only have a rough idea what will happen at the end as I start, and some of what I write just peters out before it gets very far. But it's great when a story weaves itself naturally.
In one word describe the best thing about being an author.
Writing. See my blog post
In one word describe the worst thing about being an author.
Rejection. Ouch.
When did you know you wanted to be an author?
When I was very, very young, probably when I discovered that books are written by people. I grew up saying I wanted to be an authoress.
How do your beliefs shape how/what you write?
I will never write a sex scene. I very much believe that intimate moments should be kept private between husband and wife, even when the couple is fictional. Even though not all my books are specifically LDS, I really want my writing to uplift and inspire.
What's the last book you finished?
I just finished reading The Violets of March by Sarah Jio for my book club. We - the book club - didn't think it was very well written, it was too cliched and unbelievable, but nevertheless we quite enjoyed it.
What's on your nightstand now?
I have a huge pile on my nightstand. There are several Ensigns in there, a couple of books I am reviewing, two collections of short stories by John Wyndham (one mine, one from the library) and topping it all is my Kindle which includes the next book I have to read for book club, two more I am reviewing and two I am beta reading. And a couple of Terry Pratchetts I really want to read but can't justify until I've read everything else.
Which author (dead or alive) would you most like to have lunch with?
Kerry Lynn Blair. She's a wonderful lady, a talented author and a great friend, but she lives in Arizona and I only see her once a decade at the moment. Failing that, Stephenie Meyer. She lives in Arizona too. Perhaps I could have lunch with both of them?
Book you read that you wish you hadn't.
I can't name it because it wouldn't be fair to the author, but it was absolutely dreadful. I struggled through it, convinced that somehow it had to have one redeeming feature somewhere or it wouldn't have been published. I later found out it was self published. It convinced me that all self published books are a waste of money, badly written and filled with mistakes. I have been told many times that I am wrong in this assumption. If I had never read that book, I might not have such a jaded opinion.
Book that changed your life.
There have been many, but the books that changed my life most recently were Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. After my degree (in English Literature) I took a break from reading, as though it had all been too much effort during my degree. I cared for my small children and watched far too much television, but only occasionally read books. When I did pick up a book it would often
have lurid sex scenes or something else unpleasant, so I largely gave up on reading. But I joined a book club because my friends went, and one of the first books on the schedule was The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. It was a wonderful book, beautifully written and an absolute joy from start to finish. I bought and read the entire series and there were many wonderful lessons and inspiring scenes in those pages. And Twilight, of course, enthralled me just as it has millions of others. I think it is these two books which have turned me back into the avid reader I was as a child. I am now once again reading into the small hours.
If they were to make a movie of your favorite book, who would play the leads and why?
My favourite books have already been made into films, so can I cheat and pick one of my own books? In order to write my as-yet unpublished sci-fi/fantasy I picked actors for the parts so that I could better imagine the characters.
I'd have Freddie Highmore as Emon
Thomas Sangster as Titan (the baddie)
David Hewlett as the mad scientist just because he absolutely stole the show in Stargate Atlantis and I'd love to give him another opportunity to do what he does so well.
Book you most want to read again for the first time.
I recently re-read The Chrysalids by John Wyndham which I first read as a teenager. It's such a powerful book and it had such an effect on me that I remembered parts as I read it again almost thirty years later. I'm now excited about re-reading all the other amazing John Wyndham books. In fact, I don't know that I've ever read The Kraken Wakes.
What book would you give to a child?
That would depend on the age of the child. Pre-school children love The Gruffalo and anything by Julia Donaldson is wonderful. As a child I really liked The Farthest Away Mountain by Lynne Reid Banks and Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.
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