Reviews of "Under a Lakota Moon"

We like it when people review our books and two blogs recently reviewed Under a Lakota Moon by Deborah L. Weikel. You should check out their blogs for full reviews, so I'm just going to peak your interest here.

Reading for Sanity
I will most reluctantly confess that my heart did indeed beat faster at some of the more, erm, descriptive parts. If I were a proper lady I would have fanned my face and perhaps swooned. But I’m not—so I just sat back and enjoyed the escape. If you’re in the mood for an clean, easy-to-read . . . but all-out romantic novel then you’re in luck. --Mindy

The author told a sweet story of patience, courage and love; and how they can help heal a person who has suffered from abuse or bigotry.--Chris

A . . . clean romance with a sweet message and endearing characters. --Kari

Allison Palmer

What will you find in Under a Lakota Moon? Romance, faith, lessons in living without prejudice, family values, and more romance under a Sweetheart’s moon in the 1870’s version of Minnesota. If those things are up your alley . . . it’s probably worth getting your hands on a copy of Under a Lakota Moon.

Don't these reviews make you want to read the book? :) Remember to check out the rest of the reviews and you can do so here and here.

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