
As part of Gale Sear's blog tour for her latest novel, The Route, Gale has been giving daily service tips. I've been grateful for the daily reminders of looking beyond myself and making my actions more like the Saviors. Today, I came across this story and couldn't pass up the opportunity to share it.

President Monson when asked what he wanted for his 81st birthday last year he replied, "Do something for someone else on that day to make his or her life better. Find someone who is having a hard time or is ill or lonely and do something for them. That's all I would ask."

The article then goes on to describe some of the service that people had offered, or received, as part of his charge over the past year.

President Monson in my mind epitomizes someone who has made service such a part of his life and I was grateful for this reminder that the best gifts are those where I move beyond myself.

We would love to hear your experience with service.

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